Source code for pysweet.func

from typing import Callable, TypeVar, Any

from pysweet.types import Transform

__all__ = [

_T = TypeVar('_T')

[docs]def pack_(func: Callable[..., _T]) -> Transform[tuple, _T]: """ Pack function arguments into a single ``tuple``. >>> list(map(pack_(lambda x, y: x + y), [(1, 2), (3, 4)])) [3, 7] Args: func: Function. Returns: Function mapping ``(x, y, ...)`` to ``func(x, y, ...)``. """ def packed(args: tuple) -> _T: return func(*args) return packed
[docs]def compose_(*funcs: Transform[Any, Any]) -> Transform[Any, Any]: """ Compose single-argument functions, evaluting from left to right. >>> compose_(lambda x: x + 1, lambda x: x * 2)(1) 4 Args: funcs: Functions. Returns: Composed function. """ def composed(arg: Any) -> Any: for func in funcs: arg = func(arg) return arg return composed